Music and Choreography by Bruno Lachner
Audio only:
Verse I.
A1 – Double up and back. 1st Man and 2nd Woman change places. 2nd Man and 1st Woman do the same. A2 – Repeat improper, ending in original places.
B1 – 1st and 3rd Couples cross over and go down below the next Couple. All turn Partner once around by both hands and embrace. B2 – 2nd and 4th Couples do the same. All turn Partner and embrace.
Verse II.
A1 – Side Right, change places as before. A2 – Side Left, change places again.
B1 – 3rd and 4th Men make an arch, 3rd and 4th Women the same. 1st Couple go down between 2nd Couple, out under the arches, and come to the end, making arches with 4th Couple. 2nd Couple go down between 3rd Couple and under arches, coming to the end. All Turn Single. B2 – 3rd and 4th Couples do the same, all ending in original positions.
Verse III.
A1 – Arm Right, change places as before. A2 – Arm Left, change places again.
B1 – Men hey and Turn Single. B2 – Women hey and Turn Single.