A1: 1st and 3rd Couples meet a Double and fall back again. Turn your Corner once around by both hands. A2: Then the other two do the same.
B1: Men take hands and go once around, falling back to your places. B2: Women as much.
Verse II.
A1: 1st and 3rd Couples meet again. Turn your Opposite around by both hands, then fall back into your place. A2: 2nd and 4th Couples as much.
B1: 1st Man and 3rd Woman go behind your Corner and come into the middle between the 2nd Couple, the 1st Woman and 3rd Man doing the same through the 4th Couple. Turn your Partner by both hands back to your places. B2: 2nd and 4th Couples as much.
Verse III.
A1: 1st and 3rd Couples meet, then 1st Man lead the 3rd Woman out between the 2nd Couple and cast back to your places, the other two doing the same. A2: 2nd and 4th Couples do as much.
B1: All right and left halfway around. Turn your Partner once around by both hands. B2: That again to your places.