The Lazy Miller

Circle Dance for as many Couples as will

Music and Choreography by Bruno Lachner

Audio only:


Verse I.

A1 – All take hands and go in a Double and fall back. Set and Turn Single.
A2 – That again.

B – Turn your Partner by both hands. Turn your Corner by both hands.

Verse II.

A1 – Side right with your Partner. Set and Turn Single.
A2 – Side left with your Partner. Set and Turn Single.

B – Women go halfway around their Partner, then put both hands on his shoulders. All go forward a Double around the circle. Women go the rest of the way around their Partner and all Honour their Partner.

Verse III.

A1 – Arm right with partner. Set and Turn Single.
A2 – Arm left with partner. Set and Turn Single.

B – Women go a Double into the circle and take hands. Slip a Double to the left then the right. Fall back to your places.