
for 4 Couples in a Circle

Music and Choreography by Bruno Lachner

Audio to come.


Verse I.

A1: All go into the center and fall back. Men turn the Woman to your right halfway round.
A2: Repeat.

B: Men go into the center, take right hands across and go once around, falling back to your places. Women do the same.

Verse II.

A1&2: Repeat A section as before.

B: Men lead the Woman to your right out from the circle a Double. Honor each other. Lead back and honor again. Go back to back with each other.

Verse III.

A1&2: Repeat A section as before.

B: Men go into the center, turn backs to each other, take hands and go once around to your right, then fall back to your places.

Verse IV.

A1&2: Repeat A section as before.

B: Women do as the Men did.