Escaping the Kidcote

longways for 3 couples

Music and Choreography by Bruno Lachner

Audio only:


Verse I.

A1: Double forward and back. Turn Single.
A2: That again.

B1: 1st Man cross over and go down the line behind the Women, then around and back up to your place, the other Men following.
B2: The Women do the same.

Verse II.

A1: Sides all. Turn Single.
A2: That again.

B1: 2nd and 3rd Men make an arch, the 2nd and 3rd Women the same. 1st Couple lead down, go out under the arch on your side, then down behind the 3rd Couple. Take hands and lead back up to the top.
B2: 1st and 2nd Men make an arch, the 1st and 2nd Women the same. 3rd Couple lead up, go out under the arch on your side, then up behind the 1st Couple. Take hands and lead back down to your place.

Verse III.

A1: Arms all. Turn Single.
A2: That again.

B1: The first two Couples take hands and go halfway round while the 3rd Couple casts up to the top. 2nd and 3rd Couples take hands and go halfway round while the 1st Couple casts back up to the top improper.
B2: First two Couples take hands and go halfway round while the 3rd Couple go back to back. Then the 1st Couple cross through the 2nd Couple up to the first place. All change places with your Partner.