Contrapasso in Due

for as many Couples as will

(the Riverenza and Continenze are usually to your partner)


4 measures – Start side by side, holding hands. Riverenza to your partner
4m. – Still holding hands Continenze left, then right.

4m. – Go forward together, left foot, right foot, then Seguito Ordinario (step left, quick right & left).
4m. – Go backwards a single right, single left, then two Ripresi to the right.
8m. – Repeat.


4m. – Take right hands and circle clockwise: single left, single right, Seguito Ordinario
4m. – Take left hands and do the same counter-clockwise.
8m. – Do a flat Figure 8 by circling left (Seguito Ordinario left, then right) then circling right (same steps).


16m. – Like Circle One, but taking arms rather than hands during the first half.


8m. – Like first half of Circle One, but taking both hands.
8m. – Lady does the Figure 8 while the Man zig-zags backwards left, backwards right, then forwards left then right (same step: Seguito Ordinario – single, quick, quick)

16m. – Travel around the room with 8 Seguiti Ordinari.

4m. – Holding hands, Riverenza to your partner

4m. – Still holding hands Continenze left, then right.
8m. – Do the Figure 8 again.

4m. – Facing each other, the Man goes forward: single left, single right, Seguito Ordinario while the Lady does the same backwards, starting with the right foot.

4m. – Reverse that.
8m. – Do the Figure 8 again.

4m. – Man does a Riverenza.

4m. – Lady does a Riverenza.

8m. – Lady does the Figure 8 while the Man zig-zags like before.

Honour your Partner.